Have you thought about what might happen should you lose capacity in your lifetime meaning that you are no longer able to make decisions or manage your affairs yourself? Sadly, the answer is likely to be that no one would be able to act on your behalf, even your spouse, unless you have a legal document in place giving them authority to do so. Our view is every adult should have a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA).
An LPA gives people chosen by you the legal right to deal with matters relating to your property and financial affairs or your health and welfare. They need to make important decisions therefore they should be people you trust and who could act in your place if necessary.
Imagine if you found yourself in this position and had no provision for someone you trust to make personal decisions for you such as what medication you take, where you live, and how to deal with your finances. This may not be something you want to think about but being prepared avoids the risk that a stranger may have to step in to make these decisions through the Courts.
We hope you will never need them but better to relax knowing that you have protection in place having taken control and appointed people of your choosing to act should they ever be required to do so.
To discuss how we can help you put these documents in place and for us to answer any queries you may have, contact us on 01548 857000 or at info@beersllp.com